J-BusinessDirectory - Changing 'Business' to 'Team

Support Forum



I am using jbussiness directory to do a 'Sports Team Directory' so I am hoping that there is a relatively easy way to accomplish this.  I have browsed the file structure of the component and have not spotted a file that I maight edit to accomplish my goal.

Any and all help and advice will be appreciated. Thanks!

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You can change the namings by editing language files. The langauge files can be found under {joomla}/administrator/components/com_jbusinessdirectory/langauge.

Thank you George. I will check out the language files and see what I can do :-) I love the Component.  It seems to be very complete.  I'm sure that I will have some more questions. 

Hey George...

Welll .... No I updated the version of JBussiness Directory,  uploaded the old language file with all of the correction so now there are some issures which I think are coming from the old language file.  Namely <snip> 





Is it possible to merge the two files in some way so I don't have to change all of the 'Bussinesses" to "Teams" again?  Any help will be appreciated....

Hi T. 

You could search for the missing translation in the new language file and add them to your exsting language file. Unpack the businessdirectory archive and you'll find the language files in admin/langauge

Let us know if we can help 


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