Joomla Paypal Subscription Forum - registered user chooses subscription plan

Support Forum





I have registered a test user. His name is 'steve' . I log in using 'steve' and then then select a subscription  plan that has been setup.

The system takes the user to the paypal sandbox. I log into sandbox with test user and purchase the subscription.


If I look at my system now a test user has been created. I would expect no user to be created ,as I already have a user (steve), but just a subscription plan to be linked to this user ...





2 replies

Previous thread is the answer to this post. I went in and changed my test user 'steve's details so that his email address was the same as my test user on paypal sandbox (in administrator/usermanager). Then I tried the subscription again and it worked. One subscription created for 'steve' no problem.


Hi Neil,


As you figured it out the user email is considered as a reference for a account.

To reuse the same account you'll have to use the same email address.



CMSJunkie Team


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