great to see the progress JBD 5.8.4 and updates CMSjunkies!
I have question if you soon will have support for new 4SEF ( old JBD-sh404SEF) new version too?
Yes seems 4SEF work good for the SEFs for the business listing SEFs but not on first view of business directory search ie its more ugly like /en/business-services/business-directory?featured=0&geolocation=0&radius=0&resetSearch=1&grid_layout=1&view_mode=0&list_layout=7&enforcemetadata=0&enforceURL=0
and then on the first filter setting for business category it looks like this en/component/jbusinessdirectory/search and then add extra "Applied filters" built in with the SEF there.
So whatever extra filter you add to the search filter there you got the same one same url, it doesnt change and get applied for store the SEF for Google search there. Its stays like /en/component/jbusinessdirectory/search?categoryId=3 instead of add the filter to the search SEF there.
So working good on the business listing but not so good SEO/SEFs on business directory first view and also not good when applying filters there.
We are working on having a new integration for 4SEF and it should be available in the next weeks.