J-HotelPortal Forum - 404 when clicking on "View Hotel" link

Support Forum




I just installed JMultipleHotelReservation that a client gave to me to help him with the implementation. Everything went fine, but I'm getting 404 issue when I click "View Hotel" link. Listing is the default hotel list. Joomla 2.5.8


Hope you can help me with that.



5 replies

Hi Francisco, 

Can you please have a look to see if the Reservation SEO URL translator plugin is enabled in the Plugin Manager Section(backend). 
Also you need to set the option Search Engine Friendly URLs to yes in Backend->Site->Global Configuration->Site Tab->SEO Section on the right

Hi, I'm getting the same 404 when clicking on the View hotel link. The Search Enging friendly URLs is already set to yes, but I can't find the Reservation SEO URL translator plugin in the Plugin Manager. Hoping for your assistance with this. Thanks!


Please provide us access to your joomla administration using the contact form. We will fix this for you.

I am having the same problem as well



You have to activate url_translator plugin.


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