J-HotelPortal Forum - Multiple discounts

Support Forum




I'm using J-hotel reservation on a joomla 2.5 website. Now we have the following pricing plan for a room:

1 night : 126EUR
4 nights : 432EUR (= 108/night) 
7 nights: 798EUR (= 114/night)

In the settings of the room I set the price to  126EUR. Then I added 2 discounts:

4 nights: 14%
7 nights: 10%

Now when the user chooses the 4 nights, this setup works (14%discount). But when the user chooses 7 nights both the the 4 nights discount is also added giving a 24% discount instead of 10%.

Now I tried to set a negative discount of -4% but this is not possible.

Now I believe there can be 2 solutions:

1. You give us the option to select wether the discounts should be cumulative or not and allow us to specify which discount should precede
2. You allow us to make negative discounts  

Thank you for your time. 

1 replies

Hi Michel, 

We're going to have a new field set in place: maximum number of persons. This way you can set a limit on how the discount will apply. 
Will have this integrated in the next version.  


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