J-BusinessDirectory - [Enhancement] Add a copy of JDB conferences

Support Forum





if you add a conference and would like to have that also in another langauge you have to start all over again to have a copy of that item.


It would be nice to have a copy function button so you can only do a tickbox x and copy that conference and then add the info text etc in another language..


here: administrator/index.php?option=com_jbusinessdirectory&view=conferences

2 replies



If you want to have conferences in multiple languages you just need to activate the multilingual content and then you will be able to translate the content in multiple languages.

What I mean that you can duplicate the "conference" you create in for example english ie "nice to have a copy function button" so you get a copy and then you can change that for a new language for example the text only but keep everything else except change language refernce too.. so its about duplicate conference to earn time..


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