I am using the free package option and would like to hide the Orders menu that you can see when a business is registered.
Anyone who know how i can do this?
General Settings -> Business Listing -> Enable Packages No
Thank you, that worked. But i dont understand the difference?
Even though i have set Enable packages to No, i am still able to let the user sign up by using a package. And that did not make sence...
Anyone that wants to explain this for me please?
When the packages are disabled, there will be no package associated with the business listings.
The packages will be shown on the packages menu item, but this is just for demo purposes. If you are not using packages you should not display the packages menu item.
But if i have the packages = No, and i dont use the packages menu item for signup i get the joomla login form instead. I have to click make an account, and then i get all the joomla signup fields with personal details like profile pic, male/female ++.
And when created this login, i have to login again before all the company fields are displayed.
This is not a good process for a company to sign up....
Or am i missing something here?
Basically i want a signup process with as little hassle as possible, therefore no orders. I will not use online payment, i will have to send a e-mail invoice from my accounting system to all the companies that sign up. If you have any suggestion for the best way to use j-businessdirectory for this purpose, please tell. Looks like you have answered a lot of post so i would think you know how to best do this.
Thank you :)
If you want to use packages and disable the orders menu you will have to edit components/com_jbusinessdirectory/views/jbdview.php and remove
if ($this->appSettings->enable_packages) {
$menuItem = array(
"access" => "directory.access.orders",
"link" => JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jbusinessdirectory&view=orders'),
"view" => "orders",
"icon" => "la la-cog");
$menus[] = $menuItem;