J-BusinessDirectory - Search drop downs don't stay active when I mouse over them.

Support Forum



When I click on the arrows to select a catagory the drop down pops up with all my catagories. But when I move my mouse over an item in the list, it disapears. Screen shot below.

I think it might have something to do with the custom-combobox class, but I can't find where to change it.

Thanks for the help.

5 replies

Hi Eric,

Can you provide us your site address to check?

Hi George,

The site is still in developement and is not available outside my building. But I can try to explain the issue with images.

This image is in chrome and is working the way I want it to. The drop down arrows are default. Adding an inline style="display:block;" did the trick. I add the style in 2 different .php files:
/modules/mod_jbusinessdirectory/tmpl/default.php - line 34
/administrator/components/com_jbusinessdirectory/packages/mod_jbusinessdirectory/tmpl/default.php - line 34


On the demo,in chrome, for this product it doesn't have the class="custom-combobox" that is highlighted in the above screen shot.

In firefox the display:block isn't showing up, it has display:none insted.

When I change it to display:block in the inspector it works the way it should and is not broken.

So, I need help getting the display:block to work in firefox or it has something to do with class="custom-combobox" and removing it so that it matches the demo drop downs.



Hi Eric,


Have you cleared the browser cache? Maybe the changes are not loaded.

Yes cahce has been cleared. 

I fixed the issue by commenting out the entire .js code found here /modules/mod_businessdirectiry/assets/js/script.js 

Keep the file, just comment out everything inside of it.

I'm not sure if I understand what you're attempting, but I think this illustration will help: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_js_dropdown_hover dordle


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