J-BusinessDirectory - Unable to Save Application Settings

Support Forum



I have just installed the Business Directory and I am unable to save the changes I have made in the General Settings. I can't change name from jubusinessdirectory or email etc.  I saw another post with no answers and I didn't want to hijack the post so I am posting this. I am using Joomla 3.  

10 replies

I have some problems too to save bussines form in front end... I'm using joomla 2.5.9


It's impossible to save companies with registered users... 

I emailed customer support and in my case it turns out to be a conflict with Jomsocial. They said they found previous conflicts and are working on a fix that should be ready in a few days. I am really impressed with how fast George got back to me. It was literally less than a minute after I filled out the contact form. Thanks CMS Junkie!!!  

It seems that both K2 and Jomsocial use some deprecated methods of retrieving http params  that causes Joomla to crash, preventing our application to function correctly.(task parameter is composed our of 2 params)

You can find more details about the deprecate method here: http://docs.joomla.org/Potential_backward_compatibility_issues_in_Joomla_3.0_and_Joomla_Platform_12.1

JRequest::getVar() is deprecated. Use JFactory::getApplication()->input->get() instead.


Solution K2:

You should edit {joomla}/plugins/system/k2/k2.php file and change all uses of 

$task = JRequest::getCmd('task');


$task =JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('task').


Solution Jomsocial:

You should edit {joomla}}/plugins/system/jomsocialupdate/jomsocialupdate.php
and change all uses of 

$task = JRequest::getCmd( 'task' , '' );
$task =JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('task','');


Im still not understanding.... I dont have Joome Social, but I do have K2..... Whats the fix???? Above it just says "For K2 please require the new plugin file"

Yes I was K2:

REPLACING:::::    $task = JRequest::getCmd('task');


$task =JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('task').


Fixed the issue

Great solution!

Thanks, well done!!!!

This problem is usually generated by a 3rd party plugin.

Please check http://www.cmsjunkie.com/forum/unable-to-save-application-settings/?p=1.

If the problem continues please disable the system plugins one by one to see which one is causing the problem.

Thank your instructions helped me solve the problem Cool

Hello everyone ! Just I buy and install j -bussiness and have the problem of " white screen " when wanting to save the information. I made the steps to edit the file k2.php , but I still have the inconvenience and start worrying . In advance , I thank you a prompt response. I am using joomla 3.4.3



Please make sure that you replace both of occurances in k2.php file.

If the problem continues please disable the system plugins one by one to see which one is causing the problem.
If you need help with this please create a ticket on our store and provide us joomla admin access.


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