J-BusinessDirectory - As I can disable the buttons on the control panel Billing Details and problwm

Support Forum


Hello, As I can disable the buttons on the control panel of the front end, billing details, Manage Bookmarks and manage orders.
Look for general settings and does not appear. Appears only offers and events for disable.
The posting of advertisements will be free on my website. That option does not need.

Question Two.
I Can't upload images in events.
Thank you for the answer.
3 replies



#1 Currently we are working to provide this options.

Meanwhile you can edit the file and remove the options that you do not want {joomla}/components/com_jbusienssdirectory/views/useroptions/tmpl/default.php


#2 This is caused by a javascript error.

You can download the latest verions and install it over the existing one (even if the same version).

I have the exact same question about not showing BILLING DETAILS in the control panel.


CMS Junkie, please respond.


THank you 




You can edit the file and remove the options that you do not want in {joomla}/components/com_jbusienssdirectory/views/useroptions/tmpl/default.php


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