J-BusinessDirectory - Company view

Support Forum





I'm using this extensions with Joomsocial and I'm trying to remove modules when I reach a company page. I had to disable the SEO feature because it gave me a "Missing controller" error.


Because the modules are attached to the directory menuItem, a company being in this sub url those module show up on the page too; is there a way to prevent that ?

6 replies



The solution will be to set another menu itemid when the business listing is displayed.

You can do that by adding the following lines in {joomla}/components/com_jbusinessdirectory/views/companies/view.html.php anywhere on display function.

$menuId = 232; //you have to set this according to your menu item id.


Thanks for your answer,


But what kind of ItemId do I have to create ? A new catalog one ?



You can create a menu item of an type. Only the menu item id is important.

I tried to create a new menuItem in another menu (a hidden one) and add it to the file like you said and I didn't see any change.

It's suppose to display the page on the given menuItem ?

Hi,  I'm coming to see if you have any news as the solution you gave me don't work unfortunately



Can you please create a ticket on our store? Our support team will check this.


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