J-BusinessDirectory - Glitch in "Events" menu type when in "Item Decouple" mode

Support Forum



When you are in Item Decouple mode, which is great by the way, there is an issue with the event search filter. If someone just adds an event without associating the event to a "hosted by" the additional search filter fields do not show up below the month and year list. If anyone has any work arounds or knows of how to fix this please share.

I have included a video of the issue on youtube below:

This extension is amazing, I look forward to continuing to configure it.

Thank you! Sal

3 replies

what View styles do you have set their with the Events menu (default, list, grid) ?


have you tried everybody, the combinations and none of them work and you have also events and also the basic settings in JBD admin settings ie Default events view ?


administrator/index.php?option=com_jbusinessdirectory&view=applicationsettings   Event search results grid view  Event search results list view Default events view



Thank you for letting us know. We will check and fix this in the next release.

Thank you for the response Ora P., I will be sure to double check all of your suggestions!

Thank you George!


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