J-BusinessDirectory - All Business Listings are automatically marked as featured yet none have been selected to be marked as featured.

Support Forum



All Business Listings are automatically marked as featured yet none have been selected to be marked as featured.


Is anyone else having this issue?

5 replies

must be a bug then..pls make a support ticket there.



Please check https://www.cmsjunkie.com/docs/jbusinessdirectory/faq.html#why-all-business-listings-are-marked-as-featured

@George Bara


here's my issue I have 2 free plans one monthly and one yearly just so it shows on the web page evenly when you switch the lever.

None of these have the featured property selected.


I do however have 1 more plan that is set to free for life, but that plan is also set to Admin only for special clients only.

That plan does indeed have the Featured Business option selected.  It's also the last in the order.


Is there a way for me to still keep this plan without having it cause all the businesses to be marked as featured?

Please make the admin plan of type fixed.

@George Bara thank you! that worked perfectly!


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