J-BusinessDirectory - Formatting the module display of latest businesses

Support Forum



I need to display a list of latest businesses (newest members).  I would like to show the logo and name ONLY. And I would like the logo and name side by side, not on top of each other because I would like to be able to show 4 or 5 new members in the box.

Here is a link to the site: http://bludovedemo.com/suwannee/

Currently I only have 2 turned on.  The logo is huge and it seems somewhere the height for the logo is set to 205 pixels but I cannot find where that is set.  I just want to display it differently than the default.

I hope you are understanding what I am looking for.  It would be tremendous if you would allow your forum posters to submit screenshots of what it is they are trying to explain.

7 replies



You can override the latest business module css to fit your needs. You can hide some information or make the logo smaller.

That blanket statement doesn't help me.  I understand I can override the CSS.  My problem is that I tried to do that and it looks awful and can't make it work.  Any advice or specific code to help me accomplish what I am looking for would be helpful. 

I have just purchased this system and have a similar need, for new businesses and latest offer.

I require a simple list not the extensive details the modules currently offer!

I have a similar issue. A detailed explanation on how to overwrite the css is useful.



To modify the latest business view you should edit {joomla}/modules/mod_jbsuiness_latest/tmpl/default.php and {joomla}/modules/mod_jbsuiness_latest/assets/style.php

To disable the images haveing the same height you can edit {joomla}/modules/mod_jbsuiness_latest/tmpl/default.php and remove

jQuery(".full-width-logo img").each(function(){


Details about how to override a component or a module can be found on http://docs.joomla.org/How_to_override_the_output_from_the_Joomla!_core

Override not working for me. I successfully customized image directectly here {Joomla}/modules/mod_jbusiness_latest/assets/style.css

I created override file here {Joomla}/templates/rt_alerion/html/mod_jbusiness_latest/assets/style.css -and- {Joomla}/templates/rt_alerion/html/mod_jbusiness_latest/style.css


Not working. Am I missing something?



You cannot override the css file only the views, php code. You can override the css code on template level, on template css.


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