I purchased JBD Campaigns and I can set up the Campaigns and Campaign plans. Now I want to set up the place it shows up on my website. Usually this is like creating a module and assigning it a place to show up. I can't figure out how to set this part up. Thanks for any help.
You set it up to different Joomla template positions ( https://www.balbooa.com/knowledgebase/32-documentation-faq-joomla/182-how-to-display-module-positions-in-joomla ) depending on your template set up and with Joomla standard ACL settings too.
I would recommend to use Advance Module Pro Regular Labs that gives you sooo much more customize options. Check here: https://docs4.regularlabs.com/advancedmodulemanager/getting-started/introduction
I use Helix and SpPageBuilder, and usually, I can drop a Joomla module anywhere on the template page I want. Where in the Campaigns software do I assign a place or maybe I have not installed it correctly? When I go to Joomla's Module Manager should I be able to choose New/ Then choose a JBD Campaigns Module to place on my template? I'm seeing all other JBD modules to choose from but nothing for Campaigns.
Did you check and read the manual? https://cmsjunkie.com/docs/jbusinessdirectory/directoryapps.html#jbd-campaigns there you see which module correspond..
When the JBD Campaigns application is installed, in the JBD Business Listings module, two new options are shown:
Campaign position – choose the campaign position
Only campaigns – set whether to display only campaigns or not
Only when this setting is set to yes, in the module will be shown only listings associated with paid campaigns in the chosen position.
I don't see a JBD Business Listing Module am I missing it?
OK I Found it its was under JBusinessDirectory Business Listings. In the manual, it says its under "JBD Business Listings module" that's what I kept looking for. Thanks for your help, everyone.
Great you sharing your experience.. thks