J-BusinessDirectory - Pagination from vertical to horizontal

Support Forum



For the listing page's the pagination is vertical and I wish to have this horizontal. 


9 replies

hmmm I think thats something you have to customise your self I guess?

Is possible template related. Which template are you using?

I use  

Er is geen voorvertoning beschikbaar. U kunt de voorvertoning activeren in de opties.shaper_helixultimate - Standaard  and the sp pagebuilder

If you use J-Directory 2.2.0 will be solved.


J-Directory is based on HelixUltimate, but there are some tweaks

Hello Robert, do you mean J-MyDirectory Template? It is always dificult to decide for a template, because you never know, how it looks like with your other components in my case EasySocial and EasyBlog ;) I just took a look at your demo of J-MyDirectory Template and can see same template glitches, as i have on my site with helix Ultimate and helix ultimate 2. So, this seems to be related to the css of JBD. Please see following example

If you go logged in as demo/demo to the demo "Add a business"  you will see site loading, but the upper part is hidden behind Logo and Menubar. At first i thought, this might be a problem with my site, but now, when it is in demo too…?

Another glitch, i cant replicate, is about event gridview (with cards, not calendar view, that is not available in your demo). With business listing everything seems to work fine like in other components, but if i go to the event card view, suddenly left margin gets about 10px more, so the logo and all left aligned objects are dancing. 

In my case these errors are visible only with JBD css active, would be nice, if you could take a look how to correct this.

Thank you and best regards

Some days ago, i found, i think it was in your manual in FAQ a css code snippet for the horizontal pagination (that is now excluded from the JBD). Now i wanted to go back and try your code, but i cant find it again, So it is really been there? And if so, why cant i find it again? Could you please help and give us a hint where to find it or the css snippet itself please?

Thank you very much and best regards

Did you ever find a solution to the pagination as I am having the same issue

No. To be honest i am using another component now…

But how can I switch Load More to pagination? I search all settings and I don't found it.


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