J-BusinessDirectory - Possible to have text above the packages?

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Is it possible to have text above the packages?

Like using a plugin in an article to display the packages after a text/explanation? 


13 replies

I had similiar question 8 days ago :-)




I'm using Advanced Module Manager Pro now and works perfect, even better than exepcted.



I find the claiming process a bit in your face and user additional text and accordion (FAQ) to supply additional information.


I use ACYMailing to inform (some) listing owners to improve their keywords and use direct URL and after the URL ex. ?mail=keyword and catch this with AMM to show addtional information.



Ah, of course i can do that!

Thank you Robert, i dont know why i did not think of that :) Works fiiiine! :) 

If you want it to be shown just and only on the package page and not on the following steps, you can use regular expression in AMM for the page like "/addentry$" or "/addbusiness$" whatever your menu items url is called.

@Robert I do the same with AcyMailing

hmm that sounds good.:)


I have a module mod_jbusiness_offers that I want to hide after a click is done on one of the offers listings and on  next step I dont want to show this mod_jbusiness_offers again when the offer is shown .


How do I figure out what regular expression for AMM I should set there for exlude that module?


Its the URL Exclude Matches and set regular expression to Yes.


But how to figure out the menu so it works for regular expression how is best to do there? "So make sure the string uses valid regex syntax."


I think if you would have the URLs like here: offers and http://demo.cmsjunkie.com/j-businessdirectory/directory/j-network/offer/roller-coaster

You could not exclude anything but include only to the offers listings without regular expression "/offers". Should work with regular expression "/offers$" too.



I want to exlude this module but it doesnt work. I tried with /offer$ with regular expression but doesnt work.


Could this be a bug coming from JBD module and how it work? seems strange it doesnt work and maybe a bug in these type of JBD modules? I have this site with the JBD demo content and urls


I tried instead tot use the direct URL and then it work so the correct regular expression doesnt work hmm thats a pity bcs you will have different urls for different offers that will be show after you click on that offer listings and you can not do this manually every time ie paste the offer url to that exclude menu url...


Any tips appreciated and would be nice if you test this too if any problem with JBD modules there..

/offer$ cannot work because this means that case that "/offer" is the url and end of the url so any url with more like "/offer/..." will not get noticed. You could try WITHOUT regular expression "/offer/" because I guess the second slash is in every offer url.

So I thought if you INCLUDE it to "/offers" it should work because a single offer does not have any "offers" (with s) inside. Without regular expression.

This means that it will be excluded to every other URL case, for every "offer" too. Let all other assignments be ignored in AMM and clear cache.

Isn't it possible to assign it to the menu item "Offers" (and maybe then exclude it with "/offer/"? The single offer is not assigned to the menu, is it?

I cannot test it because I don't use offers on my site.

No I don't think it has anything to do with a bug!

Can you post the url of the page where the module should be shown and the url of one offer page where the module should not be shown here? The path of the links that follow your clicks.

Thks. I have not tried your solutions yet :)


but this is the end results where I want to exclude two modules above ie WhatToDo - Latest Premium Featured Offers and the module map when seeing each offers exlusively.



and this is the page before https://www.whattodo.com/en/promotions-events/offers-promotions

Hi Sussane it worked by solution exlude part of url with AMM ie /offer/ so thats great. Many hugs for your help! :)

:-) The problem with including was that your url is not /offers but /offers-promotions so the expression is not /offers$ but  /offers-promotions$ Glad it works now.


How/where did you change colors/sizes/frames in detail view

Did you make a custom.css? Sorry for basic question 


thanks in advance

@ Nindahi Boh


Yes everything there is Joomla css customisations in the site. I am no expert but you can learn by Google search how css works.


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