J-BusinessDirectory - Registration Link on Login Screen

Support Forum



When a user selects a package, and they are not logged in, they are directed to a login screen.  The heading is "Already have an account?" followed by the log in fields.

Is there a way to modify that screen so that it also has a link for them to register?  Maybe a heading that says "Not Registered Yet?"  followed by a button that says Register Now or something like that.

7 replies

On my website it already is, I don't know why not on yours?!


Check your reg settings first Joomla and if you use any profile product like EasySocial, CB or Joomlsocial etc

I do use CB.  What should the settings be?

It should be in the

General settings


but now this have been removed in the JBD 5.3.6! You could before set up JBD to work with CB, EasySocial and Joomsocial as user profile system and pick up the profile into JBD automatically.


But now I see there is no settings there anymore as before..so pls report this bug to support.


The social network setting is still present in the directory general settings but it has nothing to do with the user registration.

It seems that you have the registration disabled on your website.
The registration screen should also be present on the website. You can check how it should be displayed on https://www.cmsjunkie.com/docs/jbusinessdirectory/pupolatingbusinessdir.html#enter-business-listing-on-front-end .

Hi George,

I did have registration disabled, but use CB and it was set to allow registration.  Turning on Joomla registration does display a registration screen, but it doesn't connect to my CB form which has custom fields.  I don't really need to display the registration form in JBusiness Directory, just have a button or link that will open the CB form.

I did open a support ticket for this, BTW, after reading Ora's reply.



In the 5.4.1 version, a new link will be added on login module when the social network is different than none.


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