In the user review form, the bottom section says "What's your option related to this company:". I don't even know what that means and it doesn't make sense. Is it supposed to be "What's your opinion of this company?".
Also, under the company entries is it possible to change the text of the heading tabs? For example, if I want to change "Business Details" tab text to something else, would that be possible to do easily?
The texts can be changed from language files.
Ok. I'll see what I can do. Thanks.
Couldn't find the file. Please tell me which files I should edit.
I have the same issue as will everyone who wants to use this application. Where is the language file please?
I would like to change the following texts in jbusinessdirectory module:
Business name or category | All categories | All cities
Which file is responsible for these texts?
Is anybody monitoring this topic from CMS Junkies? I have the latest version of this extension. I have located the Language file and can see the text which required changing. Having changed and saved that text, I refreshed by browser and have the same text as before. I've force refreshed, and also opend different browsers to view the results. Same text as before. Where are the files actually located to change the text in the JUserLogin module? What about other text which needs to be modifed? I'm not an inexperpienced user, but this is riduculous.
For mod_jquerylogin and mod_userlogin modules the language files are located in site language folder of joomla.
For the rest the translations can be found on {joomla}/administration/components/com_jbusinessdirectory/language/en-GB/