J-BusinessDirectory - URL Translator Plugin

Support Forum



Can someone please share with me how exactly to fill the fields for the URL Translator Plugin?

I noticed this plugin was updated in yesterday's release.

The JBD Documents indicate that the "Instructions" for the URL Translator are in the "Installation Section"; but I could not find them:

   - LinkJ-BusinessDirectory Extensions — J-BusinessDirectory 5.4 documentation (cmsjunkie.com)

I believe this plugin changes the URLs; so, it is probably better to complete this sooner rather than later. The plugin indicates the following information needs to be entered. Would also be great to know how to test to see if we entered everything correctly. 

1. Listing menu item id
The id of the menu item associated with listing details page

2. Listing list menu item id
The id of the menu item associated with listings list view

3. Offer menu item id
The id of the menu item associated with offer details page

4. Offer list menu item id
The id of the menu item associated with offer list view

5. Event menu item id
The id of the menu item associated with event details page

6. Event list menu item id
The id of the menu item associated with event list view

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

3 replies

I have the same question hahaha laughing

Did you get this sorted out?

How did you set this up?

I also get some complains from another Joomla 3pds that some js script infering and wonder also if that have something to do with this url plg that is "everywhere" and how it works :)

There was a problem for me related to the url plg in a multilanguage site and how Joomla 4 working cmsjunkie explained ?

I have not got it sorted out.


However, CMS, last response to my ticket indicated they are working on it: "This has not been fixed yet. We will fix this shortly."


ISSUE #1: What are "Menu Item IDs" and "List Menu Item IDs" and where do you find them. 

   - If CMS could give me one example of each from the demo, I could probably figure it out the rest.

ISSUE #2: What exactly does the URL Translator plug Do?

   - JBD Documents: "This plugin is used to enable the business listing name to be part of the URL Link."

   - CMS: "These item ids have been created in order to associate the items that are open from the home with the corresponding menu items.
For some websites if there is no menu item associated it can create some issues."

ISSUE #3: Akeeba Profession Does Not Auto-Backup Joomla website:

   - Akeeba's Email: "Thank you very much. After closer inspection, the problem is caused by the system plugin J-BusinessDirectory Url Translator, which tries to access the current URL. Since we're in CLI, there's no URL to detect, so it throws a fatal error. Please note that this happens way before the request touches Akeeba code: due to that plugin, All your CLI scripts will always fail with a fatal error. You should get in touch with the developers of that extension and ask them to fix their plugin. In the meantime you can unpublish that plugin to run your backups, please remember to publish the Akeeba console plugin otherwise Joomla won't recognize the new CLI command."


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