Hi T.
You could search for the missing translation in the new language file and add them to your exsting language file. Unpack the businessdirectory archive and you'll find the language files in admin/langauge
Let us know if we can help ...
#1 In order to claim a business a user must have an account on your site. Only registered users can claim a business and manage it. There is no other way.
The popup for non login users says that you must be registered and provides you a ...
Hi George,
Have just tried to upload business images into a new business. It allowed me to upload the images but would not save them.
I will send you my login details via contact form.
Thanks, ...
Hi Dudely,
It seems that your support & update period has expired. You can renew your support & update period on http://www.cmsjunkie.com/j-businessdirectory-support-update. ...
I know that, but I modified a lot of php files translation, css, some minor js translations etc...
If I do like you sugested everything will be overwriten. Please send me a update to mail or send me the link to download.
I did recive ...
This page is also controled by Joomla and can be found on {joomla}components\com_users\views\registration\tmpl\default.php. Parameters are loaded from modesl/forms. ...
Here's what I did since google sheets breaks when importing the J-BD csv file. So I opened in a text editor first, and changed all the semicolons (;) to carets (^). Then I imported to sheets specifing the ^ as the custom delimiter. It worked perfectl ...
You have to enable CAPTCHA in Joomla and then enable CAPTCHA in our extension by setting CAPTCHA to yes in application settings.
http://docs.joomla.org ...