I'm not sure if I understand what you're attempting, but I think this illustration will help: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_js_dropdown_hover dordle ...
Went back to this and indeed this worked. To clarify, I added the opacity function the my webst template's main css, not a css file within the component for others trying to figure this out. Thanks for the help! ...
Hi Emma,
Currently each business has to have an address, this is why the field is marked as mandatory. Currently you cannot change that. You can have a bogus address listed if you don't want to input your real address. ...
Hi,Packages are displayed to user when creating a new business listing. Once the user registers and login he can access the control panel of directory extension. When click on create new listing button the available packages will be displayed.We will ...
The functionality should be the same for both views, tabs and one page.
The compoent should run without our intervention. In some cases there might be css or javascript conflicts that need our support. ...
By upgrading the component all files are overwritten. By this all custom changes are reverted.
Maybe there some css or js conflicts. We can have a look if you can provide us admin access. ...
Thanks George...I got confused when I was reading Section 2 , scenario 1, under the application process. Everything makes sense now and looks easy. Thanks again for the fast response!! ...
For the moment we do not have this functionality. We can implement this on demand. Please use contact form to contact us if you are intereseted. ...
Please make sure that you replace both of occurances in k2.php file.
If the problem continues please disable the system plugins one by one to see which one is causing the problem. If you need help with this please create a tic ...
Hi,We would need access to you site to check the issues that you mentioned.Can you please create a ticket on our store and provide us admin access?3. Warning - Copy file failed Message - You support & updates plan has expired. P ...