The issue that you refer to is not related to our extension. You are talking about Joomla breadcrumbs that are external to our application. You can set the menu assigment to all. ...
The directory is compatible with all versions starting from Joomla 2.5.
The problem that you have is related with K2 system plugin. In k2 system plugin a deprecate method JRequest::getVar() for Joomla 3.x is being used that causes ...
1. Yes.
2. It is not possible.
3. It is not possible.
All the requirements can be achived but it will require some custom work. You can contact us using contact form to receive a quote. ...
Each company is associated to a user through userId. You can associated a business listing to a user from administration area, or the user can create his own business listings from front-end control panel.
What payment method are you us ...
If packages are active you have to make sure that the order generated (in case of a paid package) is paid.
If the business listings are imported from a csv file you have to set the package to all listings. To set a default packa ...
The Spanish langauge pack is available only from version 3.0.1. We have installed the version on your server and the Spanish language should be active now. ...
1. It is not possible to use different logos.
2. You can customize the business listings attributes from application settings. The claim button can be removed if all business listings have an owner. The claim button appear only if the b ...
The problem was generated by the SEO mechanism that prevent the selected category to be received. We have changed that and all should work now. ...
The problem related to company listings has been fixed.
The problem abou company details view is generated by another component that uses the same naming for a table generating a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class TableEv ...