JHotelReservation Forum - [Solved] Delete State field in Account Details form

Support Forum




Is there a way to delete  "State" field from Account Details form?
HAve 99.99% guest from outside the USA, they get confused by filling two fields (State and Country)



4 replies


Currently you'll have to edit the file default.php located in components/com_jhotelreservation/views/guestinformations/tmpl
For the table row that contains the state field simply have the following: <tr style='display:none'> 


thanks for your answer.

I did it but I get the popup message:

"Please enter a state name!"

so it's a mandatory field and I guess there some more to do.

Deleting the content of < td > inside the < tr > doesn't work:

javascript on "Make reservation" stops to work.


Further to that you need to remove the following lines below the line you removed. If you still encounter issues send us the Joomla and FTP login details via the contact form and we'll have a look. 

else if( !validateField( form.elements['state_name'], 'string', false, "<?php echo JText::_('LNG_PLEASE_INSERT_STATE_NAME');?>" ) )
return false;


else if( !validateField( form.elements['state_name'], 'string', false, "<?php echo JText::_('LNG_PLEASE_INSERT_STATE_NAME');?>" ) )


return false;





works like a charm. Cool

Marked this topic as [Solved] to help someone with the same problem in the future.



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