Hello there,
I was hoping i would get the whole installed package that was shown in the demo. i purchased the template, custom content module and the jhotelreservation. turns out i have to do everything manually.
Can anyone set this up for me.
Thank You.
Hi Mike,
We offer also template installation, in order to make your site to look like our demo site.
We can help you to start up the site if you can provide us joomla administration credentials. (support@cmsjunkie.com)
Thank you for your prompt response. I haven't set it up on my site yet. is it possible to set it up on any server supporting php and mysql and then copy the whole backup and loading it on a desired server. would that work. I can provide you with my site credentials where i want it to be set up and so i can copy the whole backup and load it on a desired website. Thank You. ( Mike )
Hi Mike,
To migrate to the new sever you have to transfer all files to the new server and also transfer the database. To transfer the datase the best solution is to create a dump file.
Then we can help you startup the project or fix the problems that you have.