JHotelReservation Forum - Not receiving email

Support Forum


Hello everyone,

I cannot receive any email when customers make an order, but they received information email about their order. What should I do, the email address in component settings is correct.
12 replies

Hi Alexandre, 

This issue is related to your email provider. Please contact them to find a resolution to your problem. 

Mike, Thanks for the reply.
But still continue with the same problem.
Any other solution?

Hi Alexandre, 

We've had other clients with this issue and some of them had to use a different email address altogether. 

Mike, Thanks for the help.
I took the test over 2 different emails, and yet still not receiving the email with the reserves.

I do not know what else to do 


Try using an email from a recognized email domain like gmail, yahoo, etc. to see if your confirmation email is delivered. If it is then your email provider of your domain is blocking incoming emails. 

We've had other clients with this issue and this was the issue.

I auditioned @gmail e @msn.
yet the problem remains because I have not received any confirmation email.

Will reinstall the extension solves?


Please make sure that all the email addresses used (application settings, hotel) are set to @gmail or @msn.

Reinstall will not take care of this issue as it's not related to the reservation functionality.

Hello Mike,

I did what you said, I modified all possible emails in JHotelReservation settings .. But without success ..

I'm about to give up and looking for another.

I have the same issue I think. Customer IS receiving an email where I am not. Where should I enter this email address? Mikes' answers are not clear on this. I changed the email address in the main settings area. The new mail address was NOT any part of the website domain but something external. This workt.

I think that an email sent to the domain from within the domain does not work

Hi Jeroen,

If emails are not received it might be that your email provider is rejecting them based on the email content. Some other clients experienced the same issue due to some restrictions imposed by their email provider. 

The best thing to do is to have a look at the email logs, if you have access,  on your server to see what's happening. 

I have the same problem, I do not receive emails when reservation is complate.I have changed the mails but still nothing.I think e-mail receiving is the most important thing for hotel reservation component.I have this in the error log:



Hi Kiril, 

The warning in your logs is usually generated by missing content in the email templates type. Please make sure that you have content for the email template for the language you are using. 


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