Hi all forum members,
I've another Big problem, I can't reorder, upload and delete images, in room, in hotel and even the hotel logo. When I browse for the file after 30 seconds the file disappear in the file field, also if I browse the file and, after choosing it, I save the page / hotel / room, I can't see image, there isn't an "upload" button.
...After that, I also saw I wasn't able to delete and reorder image, so I deleted them from the server (I deleted images from /www.grandhotelmaratea.it/new_site/media/com_jhotelreservation/pictures/hotel folders, deleting also folder 10/11 etc... in them) but images were still showen in room and hotel dectails admin page, so I entered DB via PhpMyAdmin and deleted hotel and room image records manually, so the pictures weren't shown anymore,
but now I'm not able to upload images, so, should be something wrong with my server settings or component isn't totally compatible with my server, sincerly I don't know,
please help if you can, credentials are the same as I send to the support before, so you've only to enter and see the upload image problem,
tnks in advance,