JHotelReservation Forum - uninstall

Support Forum



When plugin is unistalled whole site is down  with this error SQL=select * from gdci6_hotelreservation_offers of inner join gdci6_hotelreservation_offers_vouchers hov on of.offer_id = hov.offerId where REPLACE(hov.voucher,'-',' ') = 'pokoje.html' group by of.offer_id LIMIT 0, 1

3 replies

SQL=select * from gdci6_hotelreservation_offers of inner join gdci6_hotelreservation_offers_vouchers hov on of.offer_id = hov.offerId where REPLACE(hov.voucher,'-',' ') = 'pokoje.html' group by of.offer_id LIMIT 0, 1


Please make sure you uninstall all the modules that come with the hotel software. 


Thanks for idea. I look for everything from cms junkie and it was due to plugin plg_system_urltranslator. So it is working again.

Best regards.


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