J-BusinessDirectory - Payment Status and Custom Attributes

Support Forum





I have setup Paypal as a sandbox test account and made a test purchase which went through all fine but after I am redirected back to my site it still seems that the admin of the site will then have to manually set the listing as paid instead of this happening automatically. Is this the case or is there something wrong?

I have also selected to have a custom attribute of the type Input which I want customers to be able to list a price or something similar. This is showing up in the Packages but not in the form that the customer has to fill out. Why does it not show up in the form as a field that can be filled out? What is the use of the custom attributes then? I don't understand...


also, is it possible to have where a certain package has a limited number of pictures for each type? Say one package can upload 3 pictures and another can have 5 pictures etc etc...?


Many thanks


1 replies



The payment status should be set automatically. The admin does not have to set it manually. Can you please create a ticket for this?

The custom fields that are associated with a package will be shown only if the business owner select the package. The fields will be visible on front-end only if the order associated with the package is paid.

Currenlty there is only a general limitation of pictures. We will add soon a limitation for each package.


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