we need more info and description to understand what you mean and want...
I would like it to work like your Showcase site at https://www.discoverballina.com.au/visit/see-do/eats-bars
When you click on the Eat and Drink category image on the home page, it takes you to another page that sub category images.
Category as container, does not allow the selection of the category in the listing page.
For displaying subcategories, you can choose the category menu item type and set the parent category id on the menu item settings.
Ok, then what is the category as a container option for? I could not find any mention of it in the documentation.
Trying to follow your instructions, but now cannot access listings. I get the following error: Unknown column 'category_name' in 'order clause'
Please click on the fix database button in the general settigns.
when would I ever select category as a container?
I was hoping it was for displaying sub categorires.
The category container is preventing the category to be selected on the business listing edit view.
To display subcategories, you can use the show categories menu item.