We're thrilled to present J-BusinessDirectory version 5.8.13, packed with new features and bug fixes to enhance your business directory experience. This update brings significant improvements to trip management, reservation handling, and overall usability. We've also addressed various issues to ensure a smoother and more reliable platform.

Read on to discover the exciting additions and fixes in this release:

New Features:
  • Front End Trip Management:
    We have introduced the ability to manage trips directly from the front-end control panel. This empowers users to handle their trips conveniently and efficiently.

  • Business Trip Reservations:
    We are excited to announce the addition of business trip reservation management. Now, users can easily make and manage reservations for their business trips through the platform.

  • Stripe Subscription Migration:
    In this release, we have migrated Stripe subscriptions from the card element to payment processing. This update also resolves issues related to duplicate payment captures, ensuring a smoother payment experience.

  • Twitter Icon Update:
    We've made a visual improvement by changing the Twitter icon to an 'X,' enhancing the overall aesthetics of the platform.

  • Custom Attributes for Offers & Events Search Filters:
    To offer more flexibility and customization, we have added support for custom attributes within the search filters for both offers and events.

Bug Fixes:
  • Tax Calculation on Offer Detail Summary:
    We have fixed a bug related to tax calculations on the offer detail summary, ensuring accurate financial information for users.

  • Missing Text Identifiers:
    We addressed a usability issue by adding missing text identifiers for the business details page, ensuring a complete and informative user experience.

  • Menu Parameters for Listings, Offers, and Events:
    We resolved menu parameter issues for listings, offers, and events menu items, improving navigation and functionality.

  • Warnings Fixed:
    We have resolved warnings within the system, enhancing the stability and reliability of the platform.

  • Pagination and Search Filter Fix:
    The dynamic loading feature's pagination and search filter functionality have been fixed, providing users with a smoother and more efficient browsing experience.

We hope you enjoy these enhancements and bug fixes in J-BusinessDirectory v5.8.13. Please feel free to provide feedback, and don't hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues or have any questions. Thank you for choosing J-BusinessDirectory!

Bug reporting

Since this is still a beta version, some bugs may have eluded our QA team but they will definitely not get past you.  
We have created a dedicated section for reporting bugs

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